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20 Things I’ve Discovered in 2020

Liz Drury Voice Over Artist

I think we have all learned a lot from 2020. Here is a (slightly tongue-in-cheek) look at some of the things I’ve discovered this year:

  1. Vocabulary I rarely or never used before, e.g. coronavirus, Covid, pandemic, unprecedented, new-normal, lockdown…
  2. Old words with new meanings, e.g. tier, bubble, zoom…
  3. How to run webinars – and how to save the chat for later.
  4. Local footpaths that I never knew existed, or never explored before.
  5. Virtual conferences can be surprisingly enjoyable and effective.
  6. Virtual awards nights and parties are more fun when you get something physical in the post to help the night go with a swing (I’ve had wine, gin, cocktails, cinnamon buns and marshmallows).
  7. When left for enough weeks with nothing to do, 18 year olds that have had their exams cancelled will eventually do something constructive. Mine took up making amazing models for Dungeons and Dragons.
  8. Kahoot and Jackbox.TV
  9. There IS such a thing as too much hand sanitiser (take note Primark).
  10. Nobody can see you swearing behind a mask.
  11. It doesn’t matter how many online quizzes you do; you never remember the answers when the questions come round again.
  12. Networking online is great – and I’ve saved a fortune in petrol.
  13. Listening to Zoom webinars whilst walking the dog is a great way to exercise both body and mind at the same time.
  14. Online exercise classes are great – except when zoom lags and then speeds up to get back in sync – nobody can move their legs that fast!
  15. Zoom choir practice does not work when everyone tries to sing together. Cats sound better than that.
  16. There’s really nothing you can’t buy online – but I do miss a day out shopping.
  17. I miss the theatre – both acting and attending – but you don’t have to learn any lines for a radio play 😉
  18. 95 items in an online Tesco basket isn’t many when you’re shopping for two households.
  19. Radio drama podcasts really improve a weekend of decorating.
  20. Home grown tomatoes are definitely superior.

I really hope 2021 is a better year in lots of ways, but I’ll be hanging on to some of my 2020 discoveries for sure…