If you’ve been thinking about a career in voiceover, you might not sure where to start, or what your first steps should be. There is a tonne of information out there and it’s easy to go down rabbit holes and still not find what you need. My simple 30 page guide to getting started in voiceover will set you off on the right track.
I’ve been working as a voiceover artist since 2013 and I am often approached by people who want to be voiceover artists, or who are just starting out in their careers. I’m always happy to have a chat and point them in the right direction, but there’s a limit to how much information I can give them during a short online conversation, and it’s easy for them to quickly become overwhelmed.
So, I’ve collated my knowledge, tips, advice, and links to useful websites, in one easy to read guide which you can download and read at your leisure.
My guide to getting started in voiceover includes chapters on what voiceover is and what voiceover artists do, training, demos, home studios, marketing, and more. It will give you an overview of the industry, and the life of a working VO. It contains all the information I wish I’d had at the start of my career and will help you avoid some of the mistakes I made so you can hit the ground running!