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Why Hire Liz Drury Voice Over Artist?

I'm a professionally trained voiceover artist, broadcaster and copywriter. I have worked as a voiceover artist since 2013 on projects for films, radio & TV.

Why should you choose Liz Drury (me) for your VoiceOver project? What value do I bring?

Every voice over project is different and every genre of voiceover has a different way of being priced. For example audiobooks are priced by the finished hour, telephone systems are priced by the number of prompts, e-learning is priced by the number of words, and TV commercials are priced by the number of people that are likely to see them.

You can find a guide to my prices here, but perhaps more important than the price you pay is the value you get. The prices set by professional voiceover artists may be similar, but what you get for your money might be very different.

So what do you get when you hire Liz Drury?

First of all, you get my years of experience. I started my business back in 2013, but I’d had experience of voice over prior to that as I used to work at a cable TV station, where I voiced adverts, narrated video content, and recorded some e-learning projects too.

You also get my high level of education! I have a first class degree from Durham University and a PhD in Archaeological Science. This is a discipline that crosses the boundaries between the arts and sciences so I am equally at home in both camps (and since I spent quite a lot of time in a Chemistry lab during my PhD research, I’m not afraid of chemical nomenclature!).

I’ve also done quite a lot of voiceover training. There are no accredited courses for voice over, and anybody can call themselves a voice actor whether they’ve had any training or not. However, I have chosen to take courses and classes to improve my skills. At the start of my career I trained with Edge Studios in the USA, and since then I have taken courses with Voiceover Kickstart, Gravy for the Brain, the Voiceover Network, Nancy Wolfson, Thom Pinto and others.

Then there is my great quality home studio to consider! Not everyone has this facility, and not all home studios are equal. Some people don’t have the space to have a dedicated voiceover booth, and may use acoustic blankets to create a temporary set-up. This can work quite well but it’s difficult to get reproducible sound quality. I have a gold-series booth from VocalBooth which enables me to produce audio which is not only top quality, but is also reproducible. On top of that I have an industry-standard microphone (a Neumann TLM103), which is not a cheap option, but a great investment. Having a home studio in the very office that I work in means that I have short turnaround times.

As well as recording voiceover I also offer some additional extras. Some clients like to receive raw audio so that they can manipulate it themselves, but many want edited files that they can drop into their project. I am always happy to edit my recordings, and if the client needs lots of small files, for an e-learning project for example, then I am able to do the file-splitting for them.  If clients need music or sound effects adding to my voiceover I can do that too as I have a subscription to a library of royalty-free music. Sometimes clients need help with writing scripts, or proof-reading what they’ve written prior to recording and I can do this too.

Then there is the fact that my business is multi-award winning! I’ve won both national and local business awards (including from the FSB and Small Business Britain), and have been nominated several times for the prestigious One Voice voiceover awards.

Finally I am always happy to help you promote your product or service by sharing projects I’ve worked on (if permission is granted to do so).

Above all I pride myself on being not only ‘easy on the ear’s but also easy to work with. If you’d like to experience this (and all the other reasons I’ve mentioned that make me a great choice of voiceover artist) then do get in touch!